-Jeremiah 12:5
As the first month of this new semester comes to an end, here is some encouragement. I hope you have felt overwhelmed, stressed, and ultimately pushed out of your comfort zone. In the outskirts of your comfort zone, I hope you have leaned on God. I hope that he has uplifted you and brought you through the new schedule, constant ministry, and abundant schoolwork. Through this all I pray that you have experienced immense growth in new skills and old. I pray you would see the work that God is doing in you, outside of your comfort zone. Jeremiah encourages the readers that if you can't run with the footmen, how do you expect to keep up with the horsemen? In this time of growth I encourage you to see how what God is doing now will help you in the future. I urge you to not grow weary but to continue to tackle all your responsibilities and just watch how far God will carry your obedience and how much you can learn in this next month.